Here you can find the event program (in German)
Here you can find the slides for the presentation on ethics applications at KIT available for download (in German).
On this page, you will soon find all the slides of the DSB.
www.intranet.kit.eduThursday, 14. November 2024, 9:00-13:00
KIT Library South, Building 30.51, 3rd Floor, Lecture Hall
The Office for Good Scientific Practice and Ethical Principles (Office GWP, BIB) and the Data Protection Office (DSB) will provide insights into the data protection requirements for research involving humans and offer practical tips for submitting ethics applications to the KIT Ethics Committee during this informational event.
Professor Dr. Kraft, Vice President of Research at KIT, will open the event with a welcome address. Employees from the Office GWP (BIB) and the Data Protection Office (DSB) will give introductory presentations on the basics of data protection in research and ethics applications at KIT. Following this, they will engage in discussions with representatives from academia and applied ethics about the challenges and opportunities in addressing data protection and ethical issues. The event will conclude with an open Q&A session where attendees can ask questions and discuss the topics.
All staff and students who collect, process, and store personal data in their research are cordially invited to participate and join the discussion.
The event will be held in German.
Data Protection Information for this event.
Ms. Valerie Boda
KIT Library/Office GWP
KIT Library North
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Tel: +49 721 608-25241
Email: valerie.boda∂kit.edu
Target audience
Researchers, students, all