Research Collaborations

Cutting-edge research and (international) cooperation are inextricably linked. From an ethical perspective, these present both opportunities and risks—not only for the researchers themselves but also for the societies of the cooperating countries and the (global) environment. These factors must be carefully weighed against each other.


Statement of the Ethics Committee of KIT on Research Collaborations with National and International Researchers and Research Institutions

The Ethics Commission addresses the call issued in October 2024 by an initiative of KIT members to critically
review research collaborations with Israeli research institutions and research groups as follows:

The freedom of science and teaching is guaranteed by Article 5 (3) of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic
of Germany. This freedom of research also includes the right of researchers to choose their cooperation partners
independently. This freedom can be restricted by legal regulations if, for example, other constitutionally
protected interests – such as human dignity or the protection of natural resources – are violated by the
objectives, methods or outcomes of the research. This enormous freedom granted to each individual researcher
by the Basic Law entails an equally significant responsibility for their actions and the consequences of their

As the Ethics Committee of KIT, we aim to fulfill our mandate to promote dialogue and discourse on ethically
challenging issues. We therefore call on all members and employees of KIT to reflect on their freedoms and to
be explicitly aware of their responsibility for their research activities and the consequences of their research.
The current guidelines for ethical principles of KIT in the version of July 22, 2024 provide valuable guidance in
this regard.

We are confident that all researchers at KIT exercise the utmost care when choosing their cooperation partners
and adhere to applicable laws. In the absence of specific and clear legal regulations, the decision as to whether
a research cooperation aligns with the maxims of the Guidelines for Ethical Principles of KIT always has to be
assessed for each individual case.

Furthermore, we believe that deliberate and trust-based research collaborations – even and especially in
challenging circumstances and with partners from diverse global contexts – will ultimately contribute to the
resolution of global challenges. However, should ethical concerns emerge or be identified in relation to existing
or planned research collaborations with individuals, groups, institutions or facilities in Germany and abroad –
for instance, due to shifts in the global political landscape – the Ombudspersons for Ethical Principles, in
conjunction with the Ethics Committee of KIT, are available to provide guidance and support to all researchers,
particularly the responsible project leaders.


The Ethics Committee of KIT